S03E09 - Nobody Nose Libby Like Sabrina Nose Libby
S03E10 - Sabrina and the Beast
S03E11 - Christmas Amnesia
S03E12 - Whose So-Called Life Is It Anyway?
S03E13 - What Price Harvey?
S03E14 - Mrs. Kraft
S03E15 - Sabrina and the Pirates
S03E16 - Sabrina the Matchmaker
S03E17 - Salem, the Boy
S03E18 - Sabrina, the Teenage Writer
S03E19 - The Big Sleep
S03E20 - Sabrina's Pen Pal
S03E21 - Sabrina's Real World
S03E22 - The Long and Winding Short Cut
S03E23 - Sabrina the Sandman
S03E24 - Slient Movie
S03E25 - The Good, the Bad and the Luau
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Maria Aline
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