Minha conta
    Hora do Recreio
    Temporada 2
    Minha nota :
    Hora do Recreio


    3,0 1 nota, 1 crítica

    Informação da temporada

    26 episódios
    Canal original: ABC
    Exibida desde: 1998
    1 foto
    Assista agora no Disney +
    Ross Malinger
    Ross Malinger
    Personagem : Theodore J. 'T.J.' Detweiler (voix originale)
    Mayim Bialik
    Mayim Bialik
    Personagem : Kristen Kurst (voix originale)
    Ashley Johnson
    Ashley Johnson
    Personagem : Gretchen
    Courtland Mead
    Courtland Mead
    Personagem : Gus (voix originale)
    • Foto Hora do Recreio
    Os episódios da temporada 2
    The Game
    S02E01 - The Game
    The Lost Ball
    S02E02 - The Lost Ball
    Gus' Last Stand
    S02E03 - Gus' Last Stand
    Operation Field Trip
    S02E04 - Operation Field Trip
    The Challenge
    S02E05 - The Challenge
    Wild Child
    S02E06 - Wild Child
    The Substitute
    S02E07 - The Substitute
    Gretchen and the Secret of Yo
    S02E08 - Gretchen and the Secret of Yo
    The Girl Was Trouble
    S02E09 - The Girl Was Trouble
    Copycat Kid
    S02E10 - Copycat Kid
    Operation Stuart
    S02E11 - Operation Stuart
    Pharaoh Bob
    S02E12 - Pharaoh Bob
    The Hypnotist
    S02E13 - The Hypnotist
    Mama's Girl
    S02E14 - Mama's Girl
    Economics of Recess
    S02E15 - Economics of Recess
    Omega Kids
    S02E16 - Omega Kids
    Yes, Mikey, Santa Does Shave
    S02E17 - Yes, Mikey, Santa Does Shave
    The Story of Whomps
    S02E18 - The Story of Whomps
    Weekend at Muriel's
    S02E19 - Weekend at Muriel's
    Bad Hair Day
    S02E20 - Bad Hair Day
    Dance Lessons
    S02E21 - Dance Lessons
    Principal for a Day
    S02E22 - Principal for a Day
    The Beauty Contest
    S02E23 - The Beauty Contest
    The Break-Up
    S02E24 - The Break-Up
    Outcast Ashley
    S02E25 - Outcast Ashley
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