Sou muitoooo fã do seriado Bones, mas no 23 episódio da 8ª temporada...Dra B. arrasou qdo infectou o assassino para conseguir o antídoto! #fãdemais #draBarrasa
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Os episódios da temporada 8
S08E01 - The Future in the Past
S08E02 - The Parents in the Divorce
S08E03 - The Gunk in the Garage
S08E04 - The Tiger in the Tale
S08E05 - The Method in the Madness
S08E06 - The Patriot in Purgatory
S08E07 - The Bod in the Pod
S08E08 - The But In The Joke
S08E09 - The Ghost in the Machine
S08E10 - The Diamond in the Rough
S08E11 - The Archaeologist in the Cocoon
S08E12 - The Corpse on the Canopy
S08E13 - The Twist in the Plot
S08E14 - The Doll in the Derby
S08E15 - The Shot in the Dark
S08E16 - The Friend In Need
S08E17 - The Fact in the Fiction
S08E18 - The Survivor In The Soap
S08E19 - The Doom in the Gloom
S08E20 - The Blood from the Stones
S08E21 - The Maiden in the Mushrooms
S08E22 - The Party In The Pants
S08E23 - The Pathos In The Pathogens
S08E24 - The Secret in the Siege
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