Curtindo a Vida Adoidado ganha festa de aniversário de 30 anos nos Estados Unidos

Os Buellers convidam a conhecer os aposentos de Ferris e festejar o clássico dos anos 80 ao som de "Twist and Shout".

Os clássicos da Sessão da Tarde estão virando balzaquianos! A exemplo das comemorações do filme De Volta Para o Futuro, no ano passado, os Estados Unidos se preparam para o 30º aniversário de Curtindo a Vida Adoidado, do lendário John Hughes.

A Ferris Fest será todo um fim de semana dedicado ao filme. A estrela Matthew Broderick e os coadjuvantes Mia Sara (Sloane) e Alan Ruck (Cameron) ainda não confirmaram presença no evento, então, coube aos pais do protagonista convidarem a todos a participarem da festa. Veja:

"O maior dia de folga da história do cinema", crava uma ainda jovem Cindy Pickett, enquanto Lyman Ward lembra a todos sobre o local e a data do evento: de 20 a 22 de maio, em Illinois, Chicago. A Ferris Fest contará com duas exibições do filme seguidas de sessões de perguntas e respostas com membros de elenco e equipe.

Você também deve ter notado que Cindy e Lyman falam da casa oficial dos Buellers. Pois a Ferris Fest levará seus convidados por diversas locações do filme, incluindo o quarto do protagonista, recriado pelos artistas Sarah Keenlyside e Joe Clement. Eles ainda verão uma reencenação da icônica sequência de dança ao som de "Twist and Shout", dos Beatles. Pelo jeito, com direito à Ferrari do pai de Cameron e tudo!

Os sortudos que tiverem a oportunidade de passear por Chicago durante a festividade já podem visitar o site do evento e comprar seus ingressos. A nós, meros mortais, resta rever o clássico oitentista — e acompanhar de longe o que eles vão aprontar na Ferris Fest.

Veja mais detalhes:

Check out this in-depth look at the creation of Toronto artist/designer Sarah Keenlyside's magnificent Ferris Bueller's room! It's part of CBC Arts 'Exhibitionist' series, and the segment begins at the 14 minute mark. Look for the program here: Tickets are still available to experience and immerse yourself in the place where the day off began, so head to the TICKETS page on our website to purchase yours now! We're days away from announcing the downtown Chicago hotel where Ferris' room will be located for all to see! Stay tuned for announcements here and on our website! #FerrisBuellersDayOff #FerrisBuellersDayOff30 #FerrisFest2016

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Here's a cool bonus feature we've just added to FERRIS FEST! A private collector of all things John Hughes will be bringing his extensive collection of Ferris Bueller items for display at the Gorton Community Center/John and Nancy Hughes Theater during both Q&A screenings of FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF. These include storyboards, original international lobby cards and promotional materials, press kits, and even a screen-used Ferris Bueller jacket worn by Matthew Broderick in the movie (pictured)! There's much more to this collection that you'll only see at FERRIS FEST! #FerrisBuellersDayOff #FerrisBuellersDayOff30 #FerrisFest2016

Uma foto publicada por Ferris Fest (@ferrisfest2016) em

During the FERRIS FEST filming locations tour from Lake Forest to downtown Chicago on Saturday and Sunday, everyone will be able to get off the tour buses, take photos, immerse and interact with the locations, and even experience some movie-related surprises along the way at several stops. Not one location will merely be a drive by! Pictured: One of the tour buses all attendees will be riding on in comfort, courtesy of M&M Limousine Services of Chicago. #FerrisBuellersDayOff #FerrisBuellersDayOff30 #FerrisFest2016

Uma foto publicada por Ferris Fest (@ferrisfest2016) em

We're excited to officially announce that Chicago's own South Shore Drill Team will be performing during the 'Twist and Shout' LIVE parade re-creation on Sunday afternoon, May 22 in downtown Chicago during FERRIS FEST! The team was only in its fifth year of existence when they performed for the original parade sequence in FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF 30 years ago. And even though we only saw a portion of their now iconic synchronized moves from the film, the current generation of SSDT will be performing the ENTIRE original full-length routine prepared and rehearsed before the cameras rolled on FERRIS, as well as some additional numbers that we and they know you'll really enjoy! Pictured: The 1986 South Shore Drill Team performing in FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF, and members of the 2011 team during their performance at the Bud Billiken Back-to-School Parade and Picnic. #SouthShoreDillTeam #SSDT #FerrisBuellersDayOff #FerrisBuellersDayOff30 #FerrisFest2016

Uma foto publicada por Ferris Fest (@ferrisfest2016) em

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